Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK)
ifeu, FIW, Guidehouse, ITG, Öko-Institut
What is the path to a climate-neutral building sector?
The European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) is a central component of the EU strategy to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. It aims to make the building sector more sustainable and climate-friendly.
The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) has commissioned Prognos and its partners to analyse how the EPBD can be implemented in Germany.
In this project, Prognos is taking on the role of focus partner for quantitative support in determining emission reduction pathways for the entire building sector and for residential buildings in particular. Our extensive database from previous scenarios provides the basis for evaluating and classifying possible ways to reduce emissions and for fulfilling national reporting obligations to the EU.
In addition to the requirements of the EPBD, we also take into account possible additional requirements from the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) and the Renewable Energy Directive III (RED III), particularly for the building sector. This includes the development of specific implementation options that comprise both statutory and voluntary measures.
Project team: Dominik Rau, Nils Thamling
Last update: 24.02.2025
Senior Project Manager
Grid operator TenneT has put an important power line into operation in Lower Saxony. Prognos supported the communication for the project.
Prognos and its partners support the preparation of the German government's 2025 to 2027 greenhouse gas projection reports.
Primary energy consumption in Germany has fallen by a total of ten percent in the last two years. However, not all sectors have been successful.
How can EU member states accelerate the expansion of renewable energies? Our report for the European Commission analyses which measures are needed to simplify approval procedures.
Prognos will support the Federal Ministry of Economics in preparing the NECP progress reports until 2027.
On behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE), we conduct an annual analysis of the development of energy consumption in Switzerland.
On behalf of the Energy Agency for Electrical Appliances (eae), Prognos annually examines the development in the efficiency of electrical appliances and their influence on energy consumption in Switzerland.
In the period 2000-2023, final energy consumption in Switzerland increased, although the costs of energy sources have risen significantly.
In our report, we estimated the steering effect of the Fuel Emissions Trading Act for the German Environment Agency on the basis of four sensitivities.
The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy has been funding the e-bus market ramp-up since 2018. Together with our partners, we have been investigating how effective this funding has been.
Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.