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Analyses of
Swiss energy use


Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE)





The Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) has been conducting regular analyses of the changes in energy consumption since the beginning of the 1990s. For several years now, Prognos has taken the lead on this analysis.

The primary task of the ex-post analysis is to break down the different sets of causes for the development in energy consumption, according to energy source and sector. Determining factors such as weather conditions, economic growth, population development, production volumes, energy reference areas, energy prices, technical advances and political measures are all taken into consideration.

A further task is to examine energy consumption according to use. Here, which applications use which energy sources and the quantities employed are outlined, as well as how this energy use has changed over time. Heating, hot water, process heating, mobility, drives and processes, lighting, and ICT are all differentiated as end uses, among others.

How we proceed

In the context of the sectoral ex-post analysis, the household, services, industry, and transport sectors are examined using bottom-up models, with varying levels of disaggregation, which structure energy consumption in terms of energy source and application.

The bottom-up models in question are continuous annual models. This means that the total annual consumption changes result directly from the models. The effects of the individual sets of causes are fundamentally calculated in terms of a linear approximation. An influencing factor between the years tn and tn+1 is changed while keeping all other parameters constant. The resulting change in consumption, En+1–En, quantifies the effect. For each factor, the team specifies the influence in each respective year.

Links and downloads

More information is available on the SFOE website

Project team: Dr Andreas Kemmler, Paurnima Kulkarni, Alexander Piégsa, Tim Trachsel, Minh Phuong Vu

Latest update: 05.02.2025

News from the project

Ex-post analysis of energy consumption in Switzerland 2023

| Project update

In the period 2000-2023, final energy consumption in Switzerland increased, although the costs of energy sources have risen significantly.

Ex-post analysis of energy consumption in Switzerland 2022

| Project update

Final energy consumption in Switzerland for the year 2022 was around 4 percent less than in the year 2021. Mobility (32 percent) accounted for the largest share.

Ex-post analysis of Swiss energy consumption 2015

| Project

Swiss energy consumption in the last 15 years has been slightly reduced. Technological progress and policy intervention played a central role, as shown by the analysis conducted by Prognos, TEP and Infras.

Do you have questions?

Your contact at Prognos

Dr Andreas Kemmler

Senior Project Manager

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Dr Alexander Piegsa

Senior Expert Models & Industry

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Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.

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