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Customised research to answer your questions.

With our expertise – fact-based and practical – we are at your side and answer your questions in our studies: how can you shape the future of your field or organisation? How do you navigate safely through economic and political rapids? How do you make the appropriate decisions in a confusing present?

We find well-founded answers and recommendations for actions that fit your specific problem – because a “one size fits all” solution will not get you anywhere.

We are your partner who gives you a view of the big picture and who develops customized research.


Analyses for business and politics. Independent, well-founded and methodically strong, our analyses give you the edge you need.

Evaluation & Expert Assessments

Our evaluations and expert assessments provide you with a sound basis for valuation and decision-making.

Prognoses & Scenarios

Long-term planning requires foundations that help to assess possible developments in the future. Use our prognoses and scenarios for your own strategic planning.

Our work in this field

Acceleration of approval procedures for renewable energies

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How can EU member states accelerate the expansion of renewable energies? Our report for the European Commission analyses which measures are needed to simplify approval procedures.

Full-day care for primary school children: where the federal states currently stand

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Germany needs at least 271,000 additional all-day places for primary school children by the 2026/2027 school year. We are examining how this can be achieved for the Ministry for Family Affairs.

Climate-impacting transformation in the transport sector

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The latest geopolitical and economic developments present a challenge for the ecological transi-tion of transport. Prognos develops measures for the BMDV.

Evaluation of the Federal Funding for Efficient Buildings (BEG)

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On behalf of the BMWK, we evaluate the impact of the BEG in the funding period 2021 – 2023 together with ifeu, ITG, and FIW.

Socioeconomic scenarios for Switzerland

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What will Switzerland look like in the future? A welfare state in a fair world or an energy guzzler in fortress Europe? We examine the potential impacts of different scenarios on greenhouse gas emissions.

Municipal costs due to the Lower Saxony Disability Equal Opportunities Act reform

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The reform of the Lower Saxony Disability Equal Opportunities Act assigned municipalities with new tasks. Prognos determined the incurred costs on behalf of the state’s Social Ministry.

Study on Poverty and income inequality in the context of the digital transformation

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The study for the European Commission examines the impact of digitalisation on the employment situation in the individual member states as well as on the EU economy as a whole.

Cost effectiveness of energy-efficiency housing refurbishment

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On behalf of the WWF Germany, using 32 case studies, we calculated the cost effectiveness of refurbishment measures for detached houses and apartment buildings.

Scenarios for calculating the cost of Germany’s transport transition

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What level of investment will be required to ensure a climate-neutral transport sector by 2045? We calculated this on behalf of Agora Verkehrswende, based on three scenarios.

Pension at 63 – Quo vadis?

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Retiring at 63 is very popular. In 2021 alone, more than 270,000 people took the option of early retirement. These were the findings of our study for the INSM.

No generational conflict: Young and old are primarily looking for security.

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Study compares “boomers” and Generation Z: high need for security for young and old alike.

Transformation paths for the German steel industry

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Producing primary steel in a greenhouse gas-neutral manner – this is the task facing the steel industry. We have created two scenarios for the German Steel Federation.

Evaluation and further development of the national Emissions Trading System (nETS)

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On behalf of the Federal Environment Agency, we are developing suitable approaches for the impact assessment of the nETS together with the FÖS and the DIW.

Energy Perspectives Switzerland 2050+

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What might a climate-neutral energy system in Switzerland look like in 2050? Prognos modelled the Energy Perspectives 2050+ on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy.

Climate-Neutral Germany 2045

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Together with the Öko-Institut and the Wuppertal Institute, we have investigated how Germany can achieve its climate targets even before 2050.

Your topics – our expertise.

You are engaged in relevant topics and future issues from the economy, politics or society? So are we! Learn more about our expertise.

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