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A sustainable approach to raw materials in Eastern and Northern Finland


European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency




IMP³ROVE, European Clusters Alliance (ECA), InPulse Partners SRL, Agrifood Lithuania, Eurada, Intracto, LOW, VDI/VDE

Forestry and mining have long shaped the economy of Eastern and Northern Finland but now the service sector is becoming increasingly important. In the raw materials sector, the transition to a circular economy is imminent, accompanied and supported by numerous cluster organisations.

An innovative region

The region has a broad economic footprint: the 21 cluster organisations from Eastern and Northern Finland, registered on the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP), cover nine of the EU’s 14 industrial ecosystems. Many of the cluster organisations play a central role in the field of raw materials and offer support in the transition to a circular economy and digitalisation.

The EU’s Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2021 shows just how innovative this region is. The areas it particularly excels in are “R&D expenditure in the public sector and business,” “Innovation expenditure per person employed,” and “International patent applications (PCT applications).” Overall, Eastern and Northern Finland is classified as a “Strong Innovator +”.

Our mission

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform is a European Union initiative. Its aim is to strengthen the European economy – especially small and medium-sized enterprises – through cooperation and by supporting them in their digital transformation and transition towards greater sustainability. As part of the consortium led by IMP3ROVE, Prognos is involved in the further development of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform in Europe.

Prognos takes the lead in the field of Data & Policy, as a part of which we produce input papers for regional workshops. In April 2023, we wrote the input paper for the “Clusters meet Regions” event that took place in Kittilä, Finland.

Our approach

The input paper, “A sustainable approach to raw materials – the case of Eastern and Northern Finland,” presents the economic profile of the region and addresses the importance of cluster organisations for regional economic development. The paper further demonstrates the significance of cross-border cooperation between clusters and their networking within the EU, as it analyses the innovation strategies in the region.

Links and downloads

Read the paper (, PDF)

More about our work on this project

Project team: Dr Jan-Philipp Kramer, Lennart Galdiga, Marie-Kristin Komendzinski, Maximilian Welford, Fabian Schmidt, Felix Ginzinger 

Last update: 11.05.2022

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Your contact at Prognos

Dr Jan-Philipp Kramer

Partner, Head of EU Services

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Prognos – Providing Orientation.

Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.

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