DG Region, European Commission
PWC, VVA, Eurada, WAAT
Demographic change has already led to a shortage of skilled workers in many regions of the EU. Strategies to promote, attract and retain talent are therefore needed. With the new "Harnessing Talent Platform", the DG Regio of the European Commission wants to support especially those regions that are most affected by demographic change. The aim is to prevent new and greater territorial disparities in the EU.
Across the EU, the proportion of the population with tertiary education is declining. The Harnessing Talent Platform aims to ensure that the regions concerned have the knowledge they need to develop tailored and comprehensive talent strategies. The platform focuses on the following key areas:
Prognos is supporting the project primarily with.
Read more (ec.europa.eu)
Project team: Dr Jan-Phillip Kramer, Neysan Khabirpour
Last update: 26.07.2023
The Harnessing Talent Platform supports selected regions within the EU that are particularly affected by demographic change and the brain drain. The technical support that Prognos is providing in some regions has now been launched with kick-off meetings.
Within the Harnessing Talent Platform, the European Commission has selected ten regions to receive technical assistance for securing skilled workers.
Partner, Head of EU Services
Project Manager, Deputy Head of EU-Services
Grid operator TenneT has put an important power line into operation in Lower Saxony. Prognos supported the communication for the project.
What will the future look like in the Südstadt district of Rostock? In an innovative and co-creative public participation process, Prognos and the participants developed criteria for a planning concept its further development.
Prognos has developed a tool for the Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI) that supports cities and regions in monitoring their circular economy activities.
How powerful is the green tech industry in Bavaria? What is its economic significance? We examined these questions on behalf of the vbw using our envigos model.
The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy has been funding the e-bus market ramp-up since 2018. Together with our partners, we have been investigating how effective this funding has been.
The Public Sector Loan Facility is an EU financing instrument to ensure a socially just transition to climate neutrality in the regions. Prognos and partners are evaluating the instrument.
Prognos supports the citizens’ advisory council in incorporating the perspectives of the population into decision-making processes and advises the responsible staff unit of the State Chancellery.
German industry is dependent on raw materials and preliminary products from abroad. On behalf of the Netzwerk Zukunft der Industrie e. V., Prognos analyses the supply chains and provides recommendations for action.
Prognos supports transmission and distribution system operators in the planning and construction communication of the various power line construction projects at the extra-high and high-voltage level.
The digital transformation has long been underway in Brandenburg's economy as well. Prognos is developing a strategic framework for action to successfully exploit the potential of digitisation.
Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.