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Evaluation of the
infant nutrition
preventive programme


Association of Private Health Insurance companies e. V.



The “Early happiness: Discovering nutrition together” prevention programme aims to strengthen the nutritional competence of expectant and young parents. On behalf of the Association of Private Health Insurance companies (PKV-Verband), Prognos is supporting and evaluating the programme’s development across four model regions in Berlin and Thuringia.

The programme focuses on the first 1,000 days, from pregnancy up to the infant's 2nd birthday. The idea is to shape the dietary patterns that influence health development.

The programme supports actors in family-oriented institutions to competently support (future) parents in the context of providing a balanced and health-promoting diet. These services should be anchored in the municipalities in a sustainable and structural way. In addition, the programme develops practical and compact services directly for (expectant) parents. The aim is that children be fed a healthy diet right from the very beginning.

How we proceed

The evaluation team will support the programme over 23 months during the set-up and testing phase. During this time, the team will gain insights into the further development and subsequent dissemination of the programme. The Prognos team works in a formative and process-accompanying manner. The form the evaluation takes is developed in close consultation with the programme partners.

A combination of qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods are used:

  • documentary analysis
  • interviews, focus groups
  • case studies
  • standardised surveys

The use of instruments is flexibly based on the progress of the programme.

A further aim of the evaluation is to develop and assess instruments during the pilot phase that can be used to measure the effects of the prevention programme. It is particularly important that these are used to systematically record the effects of the subsequent nationwide expansion of the programme.

Expertise in municipal health promotion and infant nutrition

Prognos has extensive experience in the evaluation of community health promotion and prevention programmes. Completed evaluation projects include:

The team combines expert knowledge and practical experience, both in terms of collegial cooperation with the multiplying factors and on the topic of nutrition in the first 1,000 days. Project manager Verena Stengel is a midwife and health scientist and draws from the multiple years of practical experience she gained in these areas before joining Prognos.

Links and downloads

More about the prevention programme, in German (

Project team: Nina Altmann, Dr Stefanie Ettelt, Carsten Maday, Rahel Reemtsma, Michael Schaaf, Verena Stengel, Janko Vollmer

Latest update: 06.07.2023

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Your contact at Prognos

Verena Stengel

Project Manager

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Janko Vollmer

Senior Project Manager

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Prognos – Providing Orientation.

Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.

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