Ministry of the Environment, Nature and Transport for North Rhine-Westphalia
The Green Economy Network.NRW (KNUW) started its work at the beginning of 2017. It positions itself as a partner and network manager for the exchange between companies, research, associations, education, regional agencies, and economic development at regional and local level.
The central goal is to strengthen the green economy in NRW by identifying and improving the use of national and international market opportunities.
The KNUW creates visibility in terms of the potential and strengths of NRW’s green economy but also platforms for exchange for putting them to better use, at regional and sub-market level. It supports the market development of the green economy by providing know-how on innovation and market potential in the regions and sub-markets and specifically promotes small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on their way to international business. As a network manager, the KNUW combines the interests of the green economy, companies, research, associations, and business development.
Further information on the KNUW in German (
The KNUW hosts a variety of different events. Workshops, summits, European trips – all with the aim of sharing information and learning from each other.
What’s coming up? Click here for an overview in German (KNUW website)
Marieke Eckhardt and Tim Bichlmeier will host a stage slot as part of the Green Economy Network.NRW (KNUW) on how innovative recycling solutions from NRW can ensure the sustainable supply of critical raw materials.
Unsere Kollegin Greta Dekker wird für das KNUW in die USA reisen und dort die „Green Economy made in NRW“ vorstellen.
Greta Dekker presents the work of the Green Economy Network (KNUW) and introduces participants to circular business models using a learning game.
Prognos ist mit dem Kompetenznetzwerk Umweltwirtschaft.NRW und dem Netzwerk Klimaanpassung und Unternehmen.NRW vor Ort dabei. Und: der neue Umweltwirtschaftsbericht Nordrhein-Westfalen 2022 wird vorgestellt.
Der letzte Stopp der vom Kompetenznetzwerks Umweltwirtschaft.NRW (KNUW) organisierten Veranstaltungreihe findet in Bottrop auf dem Circular Economy Hotspot statt.
Oliver Lühr moderiert im Rahmen des Kompetenznetzwerk Umweltwirtschaft.NRW einen Workshop zum Thema „Ziele und Innovationen auf dem Weg zu klimaneutralen Gebäuden“.
Im Frühjahr 2022 findet die deutsch-niederländische AgroInno 2022 zum Thema „Landwirtschaft weiter gedacht“ statt.
Das Kompetenznetzwerk Umweltwirtschaft.NRW setzt Impulse für Innovationen in der Umweltwirtschaft. Der neueste Impulsgeber ist der Innovationsradar zur Ressourcenwende und Klimawende.
Bis zum Herbst 2022 werden monatlich gute Beispiele von kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen aus verschiedenen Regionen Europas präsentiert. Organisiert wird die Veranstaltung im Rahmen des Kompetenznetzwerks Umweltwirtschaft.NRW (KNUW).
Partner, Head of Environmental, Circular Economy & Climate Change
Project Manager
Prognos has developed a tool for the Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI) that supports cities and regions in monitoring their circular economy activities.
How powerful is the green tech industry in Bavaria? What is its economic significance? We examined these questions on behalf of the vbw using our envigos model.
The Baden-Württemberg Agency for Environmental Technology (UTBW) supports companies based in Baden-Württemberg in the internationalisation and export of environmental technology. Prognos provided the market information.
The green economy is a driving force in North Rhine-Westphalia. Both gross value added and the number of people in employment are increasing at a faster rate than in other sectors of the economy.
On behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Prognos compiled the Green Tech Atlas 2025. The atlas provides a comprehensive overview of the cross-sectional environmental tech-nology and resource efficiency industries.
The 2024 Status Report gives a comprehensive picture of the whole Recycling Economy sector and its future challenges.
Three provinces in the north of the Netherlands want to become leaders in the circular economy in Europe by 2025. Prognos examined the current status of implementation.
With the Cohesion for Transitions platform, the EU is promoting sustainable change and the economic development of structurally weak regions. Prognos is part of the team of experts.
Prognos was commissioned to develop a methodological framework for the collection of economic data on the circular economy, climate change and bioeconomy and its regular automated processing.
The services sector in this region is growing and is considered exceptionally innovative within the EU. Our input paper for a “Clusters meet Regions” event.
Prognos is one of the oldest economic research centres in Europe. Founded at the University of Basel, Prognos experts have been conducting research for a wide range of clients from the public and private sectors since 1959 – politically independent, scientifically sound.